Sunday, May 20, 2007

mind and body connection

I went to pilates yesterday morning and am more convinced than I was this week that I need to focus on that kind of activity. Like my life at the moment where I'm calling on myself to stretch, to get long, to relax in to life, pilates helps my body to do the same. I feel like my body has forgotten how to relax, it always has tension/tone in the muscles. By evening I was feeling longer and more relaxed. Bouncier in my step. So, that's the plan, lots of pilates, maybe even some easy yoga and this is the summer I learn to swim. Goal: to relax in the water ( not natural for me as I've already explained!) and enjoy the nice all over tired feeling swimming can give you.

An easygoing yoga will be good because it is slow, will let me focus on keeping myself straight, long and relaxed. Boy will this ever be a huge change.

Another change I'm feeling is being more willing to try something out of curiosity. I've always been a curious sort (some who know me well would call me a downright snoop :), love learning, poking around to find out what's going on, following something that catches my attention.

BUT, I haven't been so good at trying to figuring out HOW to do something through curiosity alone. I get caught up in it has to be done perfectly or a certain way and I'm afraid I won't be able to do it. So, if I run into an obstacle or difficulty, I'm more likely to just drop it. That is another change I'm making. Thinking of it in a way that doesn't provoke my performance anxiety. Spirit of experimentation, what happens if I do this, oh that didn't work, what if I did this? I want to know how that approach feels and how its outcome is different.

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