Friday, September 7, 2007

Trusting the process

I tend to be an action oriented kind of person. It seems to me that I figure out things by taking action. And, or maybe consequently, I try to 'make' things happen. The underlying assumption that if I just work as hard as I can at it I can make it happen seems to be a fundamental basis of my being. It shows up physically in that I overcharge my body when in physical activities, much more tension and tone going on than is necessary for the task. I seem to assume that everything require 120% effort.

The irony is that approach just doesn't always work in one's favor. I've found there is some (so fine as to be almost invisible) line between unflagging persistence and hard work, and trusting the incubation process. Trusting that the way forward will become clear in time without forcing.

My back improvement is due to pilates and what it has taught me about strength combined with relaxation. You put out the effort necessary for the task and no more. WHAT A CONCEPT!! Maybe that's a message for all of us overachieving, perfectionist ladies :) If mastered, it keeps you from making tension and stress such a constant that you forget what it's like to relax into the energy.

This is an awfully zen concept. And, very hard for me to do but I'm slowly seeing how it works if I just let it. The zen part is that you can't just not focus on it, it requires active....something....maybe attention. But not overthinking it either. Again, the Almost Invisible Line.... Obviously, I haven't figured it out or perhaps I could articulate it better.

But I know I'm onto something......

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