Sunday, November 4, 2007

A year of living momentously Part I

Well, after much hand wringing, inner angst, outward bellyaching (I am soooo grateful for my friends who patiently listened and supported), and big changes, the Day approacheth! Last year, about now, I realized that not only was my 50th birthday coming toward me at what felt like the speed of light, but that when my 49th birthday arrived in a few weeks, it would be the beginning of my 50th year.

Holy Pazzoli! (not sure who or what that is, sounds like either some kind of Italian dessert or a Cardinal of the Catholic Church, anyway...), I thought, wha' happened??! The realization startled me, to say the least.

As I pondered it, the idea of my 50th year seemed much more significant to me than the actual 50th birthday. I still have plenty of years left to accomplish some meaningful things, but I suddenly realized the years are not infinite. No more just 'passing time'.....go for the gusto.....carpe diem....what am I waitin' for any freakin' way??

I suddenly, passionately, wanted my 50th year to be memorable. The life unusual, fearless, momentous, focus....just a few ideas that popped into my mind. I wanted my life to be full of interesting people, I wanted to look back on the things I attempted and did in the knowledge I fully stretched myself, that I didn't let others' or my own outgrown ideas of what I 'should' be doing at this age keep me from doing anything. I wanted to be adventurous, bold, and create something satisfying and fulfilling for myself.

My year of living momentously kind of kicked off with the Big Adventure to Utah in a way. Gave me time to be thinking all this through. But shortly thereafter, I took my first step.....

I had been thinking about taking bass guitar for a while. Why? Don't know except it sounded fun and I always catch myself listening to bass lines in music. What am I waitin' for?? So, next time I took my clothes to the dry cleaner, I stopped in at Austin Guitar School next door and scheduled a bass lesson. No doubt the 13 year old boys in the lobby thought they were hallucinating but I had a blast with it. So, a year later.....weeeellllll, I think I'll save that for Part II along with my other momentous happenings..... :)

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